On-Demand Training for Workforce Professionals
THMP Workforce Academy is an innovative, online training platform designed to provide workforce development agency staff with a thorough understanding of programmatic and financial program requirements, policies and processes—plus best practices for enhancing overall success.
Be sure to check out this short video to learn more about our online training format.
Course Offerings
Finance Series—designed to support finance staff in assuming and fulfilling their comprehensive fiscal oversight responsibilities.
Workforce Development — A Financial Overview
Covers key aspects of effectively overseeing an organization’s financial operations. Provides an understanding of both the federal and Florida's state workforce systems and regulatory environment—including fiscal oversight responsibilities for grant funding.
Procurement Essentials, Acceptable Methods & Common Issues
Covers requirements associated with the procurement of goods and services for grant-funded agencies—including federal procurement guidelines (2 CFR 200–Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards) and procurement methods, policies, and procedures. Incorporates recent revisions to 2 CFR 200 (effective November 12, 2020), plus a NEW chapter on identifying subrecipients, performing risk-assessments, and related invoicing requirements.
Training and Supportive Services
Covers various types of training and support services offered, including OJT, Customized Training, and Work Experience. Reviews guidelines and requirements related to various funding streams, including regulations and agreements governing program expenditures. Illustrates processes for reviewing training invoices using real-world examples.
SERA Reporting
Covers Florida DEO’s SERA reporting system, including key steps for appropriately reporting expenditures against various NFAs and best practices/key steps for gathering, recording, and reconciling information in a timely manner.
Programmatic Courses—provide Florida’s workforce development professionals with a thorough understanding of programmatic and fiscal requirements, policies and processes, and best practices for enhancing overall success.
Using Interpersonal Skills to Enhance WTP Performance
This video-based module covers the importance of developing rapport; active listening; and motivating, supporting, and empowering participants. Learn how these essential interpersonal skills enable case managers to create effective IRPs that guide participants through the complexities of the Welfare Transition Program (WTP) and on to self-sufficiency.
The WTP Series + Quiz (four courses)
Creating Effective Welfare Transition Individual Responsibility Plans
Clearly explains importance of an effective IRP; reviews practices for creating and using an effective IRP.
Work Activity Requirements of the Welfare Transition Program
Provides a comprehensive review of WTP work activities and participation requirements, including a review of Core and Core Plus activities and discussion of specific requirements related to each.
Make it Count: Participation Rate & JPRs
Provides a clear understanding of JPRs as well as their role in driving WTP participation success and participant self-sufficiency.
Understanding Pre-penalties & Sanctions
Provides a review of the complex WTP Pre-penalty and Sanction process, using clear language and typical examples.
WTP Performance & Reporting
This course clearly explains the 4 Common Performance Measures and key OSST reports that can help staff identify and rectify issues in order to positively impact WTP performance.
SNAP E&T Essentials Bundle with Quiz
Part One: Reviews history of SNAP and goals of SNAP E&T, progresses through the case life cycle, including Initial Engagement Activities, the 8 Work Components, and the Work Component assignment process.
Part Two: Reviews Initial Appointment, crucial case-management practices, and specific requirements for recording JPRs in OSST—plus key details on the sanction process, Food Stamp Reimbursements, and the Florida Job Connect system.
Financial Need-to-Knows for Program Staff
Illustrates how Case Managers’ daily decisions impact an organization’s overall financial health, from budgeting customer training payments and daily time-tracking to funding-stream assignments and procurement.